• Practice
  • Race
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  • Report

Pembrey - 27 July 1997


Track length 1.456 miles
Weather/track: sunny/dry
Pos No Class Driver Car Time
Lap Behind
kph mph
1 8 A Peter Garland +8 1:04.44 5   130.91 81.34
2 20 A Simon McDermott +8 1:04.98 4 0.54 129.82 80.66
3 16 B Malcolm Paul +8 1:05.89 4 1.45 128.02 79.55
4 14 B Grahame Walker +8 1:05.89 5 1.45 128.02 79.55
5 6 A Chas Windridge +8 1:07.50 5 3.06 124.97 77.65
6 21 D James Paterson +8 1:08.79 5 4.35 122.63 76.20
7 2 A Mike Fellows +8 1:09.09 4 4.65 122.09 75.87
8 1 D Martin Kurrein +8 1:10.40 4 5.96 119.82 74.45
9 35 D Chris Springall +8 1:10.43 5 5.99 119.77 74.42
10 13 D Chris Acklam +8 1:11.58 3 7.14 117.85 73.23
11 39 D Simon Orebi Gann +8 1:11.73 5 7.29 117.60 73.07
12 25 E Colin Treble +8 1:12.15 5 7.71 116.92 72.65
13 54 E Peter Horsman +8 1:12.38 6 7.94 116.55 72.42
14 17 E Jack Bellinger +8 1:12.65 5 8.21 116.11 72.15
15 22 E Barry Sumner +4 1:12.88 6 8.44 115.75 71.92
16 18 E John Clarke +4 SS 1:14.54 5 10.10 113.17 70.32
17 34 C Peter Sargeant +4 1:17.48 4 13.04 108.87 67.65
18 23 C Doug Taylerson +4 1:20.48 4 16.04 104.82 65.13

Pembrey - 27 July 1997


Track length 1.456 miles
Weather/track: sunny/dry
Pos No Class Driver Car Behind
Laps Behind
mph Best
on mph
1 8 A Peter Garland +8 14:35.04 13
77.87 1:03.68 2 82.31
2 16 B Malcolm Paul +8 14:42.86 13 07.82 77.18 1:06.40 2 78.94
3 6 A Chas Windridge +8 14:53.88 13 18.84 76.23 1:07.38 3 77.79
4 2 A Mike Fellows +8 15:16.92 13 41.88 74.31 1:09.01 4 75.95
5 21 D James Paterson +8 15:21.68 13 46.64 73.93 1:09.45 5 75.47
6 13 D Chris Acklam +8 15:23.69 13 48.65 73.77 1:09.21 12 75.73
7 39 D Simon Orebi Gann +8 15:42.88 13 1:07.84 72.27 1:10.05 9 74.83
8 54 E Peter Horsman +8 14:39.60 12 1 lap 71.51 1:11.37 3 73.44
9 25 E Colin Treble +8 14:40.18 12 1 lap 71.46 1:11.28 6 73.54
10 35 D Chris Springall +8 14:47.71 12 1 lap 70.86 1:11.04 2 73.78
11 17 E Jack Bellinger +8 15:02.57 12 1 lap 69.69 1:13.02 9 71.78
12 18 E John Clarke +4 SS 15:08.60 12 1 lap 69.23 1:13.41 9 71.40
13 22 E Barry Sumner +4 15:17.97 12 1 lap 68.52 1:13.59 8 71.23
14 34 C Peter Sargeant +4 14:39.55 9 2 laps 53.63 1:17.99 2 67.21
15 23 C Doug Taylerson +4 14:40.88 9 2 laps 53.55 1:18.03 2 67.17

Not classified

1 D Martin Kurrein +8 14:12.79 12 dnf 73.76 1:09.43 12 75.49

14 B Grahame Walker +8 6:46.69 6 dnf 77.33 1:06.14 3 79.25

20 A Simon McDermott +8 3:22.29 1 dnf 25.91 1:04.97 2 80.68

Pembrey - 27 July 1997

Fastest laps

mins:secs on kph mph
Lap record A Peter Garland +8 1:03.68 2 132.47 82.31
Lap record B Grahame Walker +8 1:06.14 3 127.54 79.25

C Peter Sargeant +4 1:17.99 5 108.16 67.21
Lap record D Chris Acklam +8 1:09.21 12 121.88 75.73
Lap record E Colin Treble +8 1:11.28 6 118.34 73.54

Lap Records

kph mph
Jul-95 A Matthew Wurr +8 1:04.46
130.86 81.32

B Alan Wickendon +8 1:08.20
123.69 76.86

C Alan Wickenden +4 1:11.00
118.81 73.83
Jul-95 D Martin Kurrein +8 1:10.75
119.23 74.09

E Jack Bellinger +8 1:11.90
117.32 72.90

Garland extends lead in the championship

Pembrey - 27 July 1997

Round 6 of the M.M.C. Challenge was held on 27th July 1997 at Pembrey, South Wales. Conditions at the circuit at 8.45 a.m. were hardly what one would expect of late July – very overcast but nevertheless dry. By the time of the practice session, a prompt 9.40 a.m., most of the cloud had cleared to reveal patchy blue skies.

Practice started and finished briskly. 6 very quick laps interrupted only briefly by class A Competitor Mike Fellows for bringing the yellow flags out at Spitfires after a spin. Making most progress was Class D Competitor James Paterson with a 1:08.79 giving him sixth place on the grid. Martin Kurrein’s car looked particularly wonky with damage received while practising for another race, but this was soon rectified by Martin back in the paddock where he was seen vigorously jumping up and down on the front bumper. Pole position again went to Peter Garland with a 1:04.44. The reappearance of Chas Windridge after a long absence was a most welcome sight in the paddock. Following a fraught testing session at Mallory the previous Wednesday his supreme effort of repairing the car was rewarded by 5th on the grid. Class C Competitor Doug Taylerson bought up the rear guard with a 1:20.48 on only his second outing of the season.

By the time 1.55 p.m. arrived we had seen a drastic change in temperature as the weather turned very hot and sunny. The cars assembled on the grid in preparation for the warm up lap. When the Marshalls were ready all cars set off and completed the lap without incident, re-grouping in their designated positions. The cars all looked superb with the sunlight reflecting from their bonnets. Everyone built their revs up and watched the “christmas tree” and when the lights went green one felt that eighteen clutches had been ceremoniously dumped.

Peter Garland made a super start from pole and was first to enter Hatchets Hairpin. Simon McDermott followed with Grahame Walker moving up one place into third. Class E runner Peter Horsman also made an excellent start moving up to ninth from thirteenth. Chris Springall was on a charge but outbraked himself and had to take to the escape road. This caused a certain flurry of activity culminating in James Paterson taking to the grass and rejoining at Spitfires just as Simon Orebi Gann was approaching. Simon took to the grass on the other side, losing places in the process.

Lap two saw the first eight cars through in the same order with one for one changing of positions down the field. Peter Garland set a new lap record in Class A with a 1:03.68.

At the third things got very exciting with some excellent racing at Dibeni Bend between Class E runners, Jack Bellinger and John Clarke when to all intents and purpose Jack gave the impression of trying to climb up John’s exhaust pipe – very exciting. Mike Fellows unfortunately briefly left the track, causing superficial damage to one of those monster side pipes, owing to oil leaking from the back brakes. He managed to keep full control and finish the race despite this problem. Grahame Walker set a new lap record in Class B with a 1:06.04.

By the start of Lap 4 the cars had spread out across the entire circuit with Peter Garland creating a good lead. Class E runner Barry Sumner sampled the grass coming out of Dibeni Bend getting into a small spin, but fortunately managing to stay in control rejoining in front of Class C runner Doug Taylerson. Class B runners Malcolm Paul and Grahame Walker were also involved in an exciting tussle just outside the Paddock Entrance. Grahame tried to overtake Malcolm on the bend but was forced to back down when the back of his car became a touch loose. Maybe next lap? Simon McDermott’s race however, was sadly over when as coming up to the Paddock Entrance his engine let go. He managed to remove the car from the circuit before it dispensed its entire capacity of oil all over it.

Starting Lap 5 Peter Garland appeared to be in complete control opening up a substantial lead over Grahame Walker and Malcolm Paul who continued their own battle. The rest of the field followed around with a large gap opening up behind Chris Acklam. By half way Peter Garland was starting to lap Class C contenders Doug Taylerson and Peter Sargeant.

Class A runner Mike Fellows was leading a group of 4 cars at close quarters, Martin Kurrein, James Paterson and Chris Acklam successively. Then came Simon Orebi Gann and Chris Springall followed by the constantly battling pairs of Peter Horsman/Colin Treble and Jack Bellinger/John Clarke – their cars being stuck together like glue. EXCELLENT!

Peter continued to surge through the field for what would almost certainly be a well deserved victory but Grahame Walker’s race sadly ended at this point. A stone thrown up from the track found its way between his modified grill and penetrated his radiator. James Paterson had closed up on Martin Kurrein, looked like overtaking and by Lap 9 had successfully completed this manoeuvre. Chris Springall made a supreme effort to pass Colin Treble up the inside of Dibeni Bend and was rewarded for his efforts by gaining another place. GREAT MOVE!

By Lap 11 Class E boy Jack Bellinger had established a reasonable lead over John Clarke. On Lap 12 Chris Acklam set a lap record in Class D and when Martin Kurrein ran wide on Dibeni bend took full advantage by passing on the inside.

At thirteen John Clarke ran wide and made an excursion across the grass but kept full control to finish the race. The yellow flags appeared to mark the end of the race, but not in time to save Martin Kurrein from leaving the track owing to brake failure at the very last bend – terribly bad luck.

Peter Garland took a deserved win with another superb drive. Malcolm Paul won Class B with Peter Sargeant and James Paterson winning Classes C and D respectively. A brilliant race-long duel between Peter Horsman and Colin Treble, with fractions of seconds separating them throughout, resulted in the Class E win for Peter and a new lap record of 1:11.28 for Colin. WELL DONE!

Jon Hopkins