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Welcome to the Morgan Race Series
Now that you have all you need to go racing - we offer a few suggestions on the practicalities such as entry forms, what to take and what happens when you get to the circuit.
Entry forms
When available, these are posted on the Dates page at www.mogsport.net for download or you can ask for a printed copy from our Co-ordinator.
Check the closing date for entries and leave plenty of time for the postal system, as there are surcharges for late entries. It is best to enter well before the closing date so that the event organisers and our co-ordinator know who has entered.
Final instructions
These will arrive a few days before the event and set out the timetable for the day. Entry tickets and vehicle passes will also be enclosed. Read the instructions carefully and make sure that you arrive in good time for Signing on and Scrutineering.
What to pack for you and the car
Race licence, MSCC membership card, MOT, passes, final instructions, numbers for the car
Helmet, overalls, gloves, balaclava, transponder, shoes.
Tools, basic spares, oil, water, brake fluid, stopwatch, tyre pressure gauge, footpump, food, umbrella, coat, camping chairs (there is a lot of standing around!).
Put useful contact numbers on your mobile phone so that if you have a problem you can alert Kate Orebi Gann or another member of the race series of your predicament.
Circuit information
There is a very useful publication called the UK Circuit Guide. It contains general information about all
A good investment for the complete novice and a handy book of reference for everyone.
Travelling to the race meeting
Check in advance exactly where the circuit is, decide on how long you think it will take to get there and then add on at least an hour for contingencies such as punctures, traffic jams etc. If you are staying overnight this is less crucial.
Some circuits,
Camping is allowed at most circuits but it best to check first. Some racers have their own motorhomes, others sleep under canvas, some use a local hotel or B&B and some drive to the circuit on the day of the race. The choice is yours! For those who stay at the circuit there is usually a barbecue and informal social gathering the evening before; everyone is very welcome, so don’t be shy, come along with a little food and drink and make yourself known.
On the day
Signing On
Find out where Race Control is (ask another competitor if you aren’t sure) and go there to sign on at the time stated in the final instructions. Generally it is OK to sign on earlier than the time stated although some very busy race meetings like to adhere to the timetable. You must take your race licence to sign on and know your competition number. You will also need your MSCC membership card and know your transponder number. If you were given a commentator’s slip, do take a few moments to complete it and hand it in at signing on, this makes the commentary more interesting for the spectators especially your support crew.
Once you have signed on you will be given a slip of paper (a Scrutineering slip) which you must look after carefully and take with you to scrutineering.
Drivers’ Briefings
Check the final instructions for timing of Drivers’ briefings, especially for novices, they do check and there are penalties for non-attendance.
You must always keep your wits about you and listen to paddock announcements in case they suddenly decide to have a full drivers’ briefing which was not mentioned in the final instructions. The Clerk of the Course will not accept the excuse that you did not hear the announcement.
You will know the time for this as you will have read it in your final instructions!
Find out where the scrutineering bay is (usually apparent by a long queue of stationary cars). Make sure that your car has its racing numbers applied in the correct locations and that it is a clean and tidy state ready to be checked over by the Scrutineers. Check that your belts are in place and your fire extinguisher is in date.
They are looking to make sure that your car complies with safety regulations and that there are no obvious mechanical defects.
Take your helmet (which may need an MSA sticker - cost £1.50), race overalls, etc. as they also have to be checked.
Get in the scrutineering queue as early as you can, sometimes it takes a long time and it is frustrating to be called up for practice on the PA when you haven’t even been scrutineered!
Be friendly and helpful to the scrutineers, they are checking the car for your benefit. Be ready to lift the bonnet when asked and have your helmet out of its bag ready for checking. Be prepared to start the engine, so that the cut-out can be checked, to turn on the lights and demonstrate brake and fog/rain lights.
When your car has passed you will be given a scrutineering ticket, attach this securely to the car, it will be checked every time you go into the collecting area. Other competitors will be able to advise on the best location for it.
If you have any difficulty in scrutineering don’t be afraid to ask other Morgan racers for advice, they will be only too pleased to help.
We do know that roll bar heights are going to be closely checked this year so make sure that when you are seated and strapped the top of your helmet is at least 5cms below the top of the roll bar.
At some point prior to the meeting it is also advisable to check the weight of the car in race trim, plus driver and helmet, as the penalty for being below the minimum weight for your class (check the Regs) can mean disqualification and an expensive fine from an unsympathetic Clerk of the Course. Also our eligibility scrutineer has been known to check MOTs at various times, so those not in Class A or B should have them available for inspection.
Find out where the collecting area is - cars are assembled here during the preceding practice or race. Pay a visit to the loo to make sure that you are comfortable, especially if there is a delay before the cars go out onto the circuit.
Make sure that you have enough fuel and that the car is ready to go with the transponder in place, fire extinguisher pin out and scrutineering ticket showing. Remember your helmet, gloves etc. Take a coat or umbrella in case it is wet but make sure that you have someone ready to take these from you before you drive onto the circuit. Try not to be late as it adds to the stress levels!
Your car might be checked for noise by an official as you enter the collecting area, so just be ready to follow instructions.
Unless you are feeling especially confident, it is a good idea to tell the Marshal that it is your first race and that you would like to go out on track after everyone else - and he may then position you at the back of the line, so you under no pressure when the cars are released.
Once on the circuit take your time to settle in and don’t feel that you have to prove anything. It's not a race, so just enjoy yourself and try to remember all those useful things your instructor told you... Remember that you MUST complete 3 laps to qualify, so don't try to break any records right away!
The most crucial thing is that you observe all flag signals, especially the red or yellow flag, and watch your mirrors.
After practice, if you want to discuss racing lines etc., you will find that most Morgan racers will be happy to chat and help if they can. If you think that your times are disappointing, don’t be discouraged, we all had to start sometime and once you become more familiar and comfortable with racing your times will improve.
Times and Results
Official practice times and results are issued by Race Control, and often available around half an hour after the session.
Often, on the back of the practice times there is a grid sheet showing your exact position on the grid, it is worth studying this as it helps you position yourself when you arrive on the grid. You can at least be sure to be on the correct side of the track.
The Race
Basic advice is the same as for practice: arrive in good time with your helmet etc., having ensured that you have enough fuel to complete the race plus a few extra laps. The marshals will direct you to a specific numbered spot in the collecting area, based on your grid position.
You will then be directed from the collecting area onto the circuit, sometimes straight onto the grid and sometimes you will drive around the circuit to the grid. Just follow the car in front and watch for the marshals directing you. Once in place try to find a landmark of some sort to tell you where to return to after the warm-up lap; it might be a number painted on the track or a daisy growing in the grass, just memorise the position as you have to stop in exactly the same place before the start of the race.
The start line marshal will wave a green flag and all the cars complete one full lap, maintaining their grid positions, and take up their position again on the grid. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone with their hand raised, it means they can’t start so there will be an obstruction which everyone will have to drive round. Then just wait for the red lights to go out and you are away!
At first, while you are getting the feel of things, don’t try anything too fancy. If a faster car comes up behind you, don’t panic and definitely don’t dive out of its way. Keep a steady line and let the faster car find its way round you. If you have seen them in advance a quick hand signal to point to which side they should pass is helpful. If you have an “off” keep a cool head and wait until there is a safe gap in the traffic before re-joining the race.
General Advice
Be ready for timings to be altered at short notice on the day and keep your ears open for announcements.The best method is to park near a regular racer and follow their lead.
If it is very hot, drink plenty of water throughout the day and even if you don’t have much of an appetite, make sure that you do eat something (many opt for bananas).
The most important thing is that you have FUN - that is the reason we all go motor racing.
You will find that there is an excellent social side to our championship as well. After practice many of us adjourn to the cafeteria for breakfast and a cuppa; some go to their motorhomes and some fettle and play with their cars in the paddock. Please make yourself known, and please make sure that you join in with whichever activity suits you best.
If you have a problem with your car or need to borrow a foot pump, spanner, jack etc. you will find the Morgan crowd are very friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. Inevitably a cluster of people will gather round your car giving advice and probably fixing it for you too!
Fuel is on sale at most circuits although the pumps are not always manned all day. If you think you might need fuel, check to see what the opening times are.
Awards for the day’s racing are presented in the paddock at a pre-determined location, ask if you don’t know where it is happening.
Please come along to cheer the winners and of course you might need to collect your own award!
Apart from prizes for overall winner and first and second in class there is an award for Morgan Driver of the Day.
Have we missed anything out?
If you have found these notes helpful but feel that anything should be added please email us with any suggestions.
Kate Orebi Gann
Co-ordinatorT: 01273 842969
M: 07770 630627If you are interested in racing your Morgan or just want to get
on track, ask our Coordinator, post in the Forum or email us